If your name appears under section 1 of this ballot, you are eligible to
vote. Voting opens at 00:00:01 UTC on October 8th and ends at 23:59:59 UTC
on October 11th. Votes received outside this window may be rejected by the
counters. Your ballot must be GPG signed. If you would like to encrypt
your ballot, please encrypt it against the attached public key:

pub   1024D/5DDB67FC 2007-10-07 [expires: 2007-10-12]
      Key fingerprint = 22FD C771 7ADA 0ABE 3744  64F3 ADF4 79AB 5DDB 67FC
uid                  OFTC Election 2007 <oftc-votes@spi-inc.org>
sub   2048g/59492B64 2007-10-07 [expires: 2007-10-12]

For additional details about the election, refer to OFTC's constitution


See below for the ballot and further instructions.

 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Do not delete this line -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Please return this ballot, GPG/PGP-signed, to


between 00:00:01UTC on October 8th and 23:59:59UTC on October 11th.

Section 1: Staff Rankings

Please rank all staff from 1-39.

- Do NOT use the same number twice;
- Either completely fill out the ranks or do not fill them out at all; a
  partially filled ballot cannot be counted accurately and will be
- Check as many Ombudsman boxes as you would like. The individual with the
  most checks will be the Ombudsman;
- Check as many Remove boxes as you'd like. At least half of all votes
  must have an individual's Remove box checked in order for that
  individual to be dismissed;
- (S) denotes people who sponsor servers among their roles;
- The breakdown of the results will be as follows:

    1         Chair
    1-8       NOC
    9-16      Network Operators
    17-40     Network Representatives

Rank     Name			Nick	    Ombudsman Remove

____     Andre Guibert de Bruet (andy) (S)      [ ]     [ ]
____     Andy Lindeman          (alindeman)     [ ]     [ ]
____     Brandon Bennett        (nemith)        [ ]     [ ]
____     Christel Dahlskjaer    (christel)      [ ]     [ ]
____     Christoph Berg         (Myon)          [ ]     [ ]
____     Christopher Aker       (caker) (S)     [ ]     [ ]
____     Cliff Wade             (Hawkwind)      [ ]     [ ]
____     David Graham           (cdlu)          [ ]     [ ]
____     Deedra Waters          (dmwaters)      [ ]     [ ]
____     Denny De La Haye       (denny)         [ ]     [ ]
____     Donna Crawford         (SportChick)    [ ]     [ ]
____     Doug Winter            (winjer) (S)    [ ]     [ ]
____     Eric Evans             (urandom) (S)   [ ]     [ ]
____     Frederic Deletang      (ziga) (S)      [ ]     [ ]
____     Haris Sehic            (hajvan) (S)    [ ]     [ ]
____     Jan Prunk              (yang) (S)      [ ]     [ ]
____     Jimmy Kaplowitz        (Hydroxide)     [ ]     [ ]
____     Joerg Jaspert          (Ganneff) (S)   [ ]     [ ]
____     Josip Rodin            (Joy) (S)       [ ]     [ ]
____     Luca Filipozzi         (luca)          [ ]     [ ]
____     Luk Claes              (luk)           [ ]     [ ]
____     Marien Zwart           (marienz)       [ ]     [ ]
____     Martin Wuertele        (maxx) (S)      [ ]     [ ]
____     Matt London            (Matt)          [ ]     [ ]
____     Matthew Sullivan       (Matthew) (S)   [ ]     [ ]
____     Mattias Wadenstein     (maswan) (S)    [ ]     [ ]
____     Michael Rmer           (miro) (S)      [ ]     [ ]
____     Mike Mattice           (LoRez)         [ ]     [ ]
____     Neil McGovern          (Maulkin)       [ ]     [ ]
____     Peter Palfrader        (weasel)        [ ]     [ ]
____     Richard Hartmann       (RichiH)        [ ]     [ ]
____     Richard Rose           (rik)           [ ]     [ ]
____     Rico Gloeckner         (mc) (S)        [ ]     [ ]
____     Rob Bradford           (robster) (S)   [ ]     [ ]
____     Sam Bisbee             (RavidgeMole)   [ ]     [ ]
____     Scott Bender           (scott)         [ ]     [ ]
____     Sean Whitton           (seanw)         [ ]     [ ]
____     Seth Arnold            (sarnold)       [ ]     [ ]
____     Stuart Walsh           (cryogen)       [ ]     [ ]
____     Timothy J. Fontaine    (tjfontaine)    [ ]     [ ]

Section 2: Do you agree with the following people being Advisors?
           Not answering will be counted as a "Yes". Please ensure that if
           you object, you write "No".

Yes/No     Name                   Nick        Role
___        Pierre Machard         migus       Advisor

Section 3: Yes/No questions. Unanswered questions will be counted as a
           "Yes", so please ensure that if you object, you write "No".

Yes/No     Issue - No answer will be counted as a "Yes"
___        Do you believe OFTC should remain a member project of Software
           in the Public Interest?

 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Do not delete this line -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Hash: SHA1


Michael Schultheiss and I are in full agreement on the election results,
which by the thinnest of margins show you as new chairman. Congratulations!

Please find attached my counts, Michael will send his own version

Kind regards,

Bert Hubert

General notes
- -------------
There were 19 ballots cast, of which 15 were valid. maxx (Martin Wuertele),
scott (Scott Bender) and cryogen (Stuart Walsh) all assigned a rank twice,
RichiH sent in his ballot too late.

Valid votes came from: Ganneff  Matthew  Maulkin  Myon cdlu
luca  luk  matt  mc  nemith  rik  seanw  weasel  yang  ziga

The ballot form  was in conflict with itself, there were 40 candidates, but
voters were asked to assign ranks from 1-39. A classic off-by-one.

Ombudsman scores (per nick, as used on the ballot):
     10 cdlu
      8 Matt
      7 weasel
      7 tjfontaine
      4 sarnold
      4 christel
      4 Myon
      4 Maulkin
      3 nemith
      3 luca
      3 cryogen
      3 RichiH
      2 maxx
      2 Ganneff
      1 seanw
      1 scott
      1 robster
      1 rik
      1 mc
      1 luk
      1 denny
      1 alindeman
      1 SportChick
      1 RavidgeMole
      1 Matthew
      1 Hydroxide

This means cdlu has been voted ombudsman.

Removal scores (per nick, as used on the ballot):
      4 alindeman
      4 marienz
      3 LoRez
      3 RavidgeMole
      2 seanw
      2 denny
      2 SportChick
      2 Hydroxide
      1 dmwaters
      1 christel
      1 RichiH
      1 scott
      1 rik
      1 miro
      1 hajvan
      1 Hawkwind

This means nobody meets the threshold for removal.

YES/NO questions:
'Do you agree with the following people being Advisors?'
Pierre Machard: 12 times 'yes', 2 times 'no', 1 times no answer - which is
counted as a yes. Final result: 13 times 'yes' versus 2 times 'no'.

'Do you believe OFTC should remain a member project of Software in the Public
14 times 'yes', 1 times no answer, which is counted as a yes. Final result:
15 times 'yes'.

The results of ranking are (per nick, as used on the ballot)
     1    45 weasel
     2    46 cdlu
     3    84 cryogen
     4    96 Ganneff
     5   107 tjfontaine
     6   172 sarnold
     7   179 Matt
     8   202 Myon
     9   205 christel
    10   215 luca
    11   238 mc
    12   241 scott
    13   243 Maulkin
    14   261 nemith
    15   289 Matthew
    16   291 andy
    17   299 seanw
    18   301 maxx
    19   322 ziga
    20   332 hajvan
    21   338 dmwaters
    22   348 luk
    23   355 RichiH
    24   374 SportChick
    25   382 Joy
    26   387 rik
    27   390 LoRez
    28   393 RavidgeMole
    29   402 denny
    30   403 winjer
    31   408 robster
    32   409 alindeman
    33   421 yang
    34   423 Hydroxide
    35   429 maswan
    36   437 Hawkwind
    37   445 caker
    38   456 marienz
    39   463 miro
    40   469 urandom

- -- 
http://www.PowerDNS.com      Open source, database driven DNS Software 
http://netherlabs.nl              Open and Closed source services
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
