These are the results of the annual OFTC vote, as determined by the voting staff. Before we announce the results we need to make a few remarks: Since the constitution does not set rules for removal of corporate sponsors the voting committee decided to apply the same rules as used for the removal of members. Secondly, we need to note that in contrast to what the consitution requires there were only two counters. Both counters als knew who the other was, which was necessary to arrange access to the voting data. Now, on to the results. A total of 17 people cast their vote during these elections (a turnout of 69%), which led to the following result: NOC chair: Stuart Walsh (cryogen) NOC staff: David B. Harris (ElectricElf) David Graham (cdlu) Haris Sehic (hajvan) Luca Filipozzi (luca) Matt London (Matt) Michael Romer (miro) Peter Palfrader (weasel) Network operators: Andre Guibert de Bruet (andy) Branden R. Williams (brw) Doug Winter (winjer) Mike Greb (mikegrb) Richard Harman (warewolf) Richard Rose (rik) Rik van Riel (riel) Seth Arnold (sarnold) Network representatives: Andrew Mulholland (cpufreak) Bernhard Dick (WES][-Bernie-) Brian Wolfe (Sir_Ahzz) Chris Wright (cdub) Christoph Siess (CHS) Gary Allpike (spice) Jeremy Johnston (Jeremy) Jimmy Kaplowitz (Hydroxide) Josip Rodin (Joy) Martin Wuertele (maxx) Patrick Lenz (scoop) Peter Salanki (Sorcer) Rico Gloeckner (mc) Rob Bradford (robster) Rob Weir (bob2) Simon Chrich (ratx) Swen Simon (ssimon) Zwane Mwaikambo (zwane) Ombudsman: Matt London (Matt) Everyone agreed Pierre Machard (migus) and Martin Schulze (Joey) should remain as advisors. No candidate received enough removal votes to be removed. No corporate sponsored received enough removal votes to be removed. No voter thought OFTC should leave SPI. The counters, Benj. Mako Hill Wichert Akkerman -- Wichert Akkerman <> It is simple to make things. It is hard to make things simple.