Please return this ballot, preferably PGP signed, to between October 8th at 00:00:01 UTC and October 11th at 23:59:59 UTC. Section 1: Staff Rankings Please rank all staff from 1-29 - Do not use the same number twice. - Either completely fill out this section or do not fill it out at all, a partially filled ballot cannot be counted accurately and will be disregarded. - Consider treating Sponsors more leniently as their participation is in the form of a provided server, even if they are not active within the staff. - The breakdown of the results will be as follows: 1 Chair 1-8 NOC 9-16 Network Operators 17-29 Network Representatives Rank Name Nick Current Role ___ Gary Allpike spice NetRep, Sponsor ___ Seth Arnold sarnold NetRep ___ Rob Bradford robster NetOp, Sponsor ___ Simon Chrich ratx NetRep, Sponsor ___ Phillip Cockrell gcc NetRep ___ Raymond DeRoo RainMkr NetRep, Sponsor ___ Bernhard Dick WES][-Bernie- NetRep ___ Kevin Ford kev NetRep, Sponsor ___ David Graham cdlu NOC ___ Andre Guibert de Bruet andy NOC, Sponsor ___ Richard Harman warewolf NetOp, Sponsor ___ David B. Harris ElectricElf NOC ___ Stephen Hildrey steve NetOp ___ Jeremy Johnston Jeremy NetRep ___ Patrick Lenz scoop NetOp, Sponsor ___ Florian Lohoff lolo Sponsor ___ Matt London Matt Ombudsman, NOC, Sponsor ___ Andrew Mulholland cpufreak Chair, NOC, Sponsor ___ Simon Putz xenium NetRep, Sponsor ___ Michael Römer miro NOC, Sponsor ___ Rik van Riel riel NetOp, Sponsor ___ Josip Rodin Joy NetRep, Sponsor ___ Richard Rose rik NetOp ___ Haris Sehic hajvan NetOp, Sponsor ___ Stuart Walsh cryogen NOC ___ Branden R. Williams brw NetOp ___ Doug Winter winjer NetOp, Sponsor ___ Brian Wolfe Sir_Ahzz NetRep, Sponsor ___ Mark Zealey JALH NetRep Section 2: The following staff should be removed from staff (in order for a staff member to be removed, at least 50% of the staff must vote that staff member off): _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Section 3: Do you agree with the following people being Advisors? Not answering will be considered as not having issues with this item and will be coutned as a "Yes". Please ensure that if you object, you write "No". Yes/No Name Nick Role ___ Luca Filipozzi luca Advisor ___ Pierre Machard migus Advisor/TuxFamily Representative ___ Martin Schulze Joey Advisor/SPI Representative Section 4: Please specify the full name and/or nickname of the staff member you would like to be OFTC's Ombudsman: Section 5: Yes/No questions. Unanswered questions will be counted as a "Yes," so please ensure that if you object, you write "No". Yes/No Issue - No answer will be counted as a "Yes" ___ Should OFTC remain a member project of Softwarein the Public Interest? Section 6: Comments If you would like to send anonymous comments to the new Network Operations Committee, please enter them here: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ If you would like to send comments to be attached to the election results, please enter them here: [ ] Anonymous, please __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Please return this ballot, preferably PGP signed, to between October 8th at 00:00:01 UTC and October 11th at 23:59:59 UTC.
Pierre (migus) and I (luca) concur that the following results are correct. Section 1 --------- Chair 01:cryogen:86 NOC 01:cryogen:86 02:cdlu:87 03:cpufreak:88 04:electricelf:92 05:matt:105 06:miro:116 07:andy:131 08:steve:155 Network Operators 09:riel:167 10:hajvan:173 11:sarnold:180 12:robster:188 13:brw:204 14:rik:207 15:warewolf:210 16:winjer:217 Network Representatives 17:kev:234 18:scoop:242 19:joy:244 20:ratx:248 21:spice:253 22:bernie:275 23:lolo:277 24:jeremy:297 25:xenium:306 26:rainmkr:314 27:gcc:319 28:sir_ahzz:334 29:jalh:341 Section 2 --------- No staff members removed. Section 3 (blanks = Yes) --------- Joey: 17 Yes 1 No ==> Joey remains an advisor luca: 18 Yes 0 No ==> luca remains an advisor migus: 18 Yes 0 No ==> migus remains an advisor Section 4 --------- Matt is the Ombudsperson. Section 5 (blanks = Yes) --------- SPI: 17 Yes 1 No ==> OFTC remains a member project of SPI Section 6 --------- Matt: "Keep up the good work guys, but how about getting back on track with the non-IRC side of things." anon: "I vote 4 Arnie! :-)" anon: "steve: I LOVE YOU!" -- Luca Filipozzi, ECE Dept. IT Manager, University of British Columbia gpgkey 5A827A2D - A149 97BD 188C 7F29 779E 09C1 3573 32C4 5A82 7A2D