Please return this ballot, preferably PGP signed, to between April 8th at 00:00:01 UTC and April 11th at 23:59:59 UTC. Section 1: Staff Rankings Please rank all staff from 1-33. - Do not use the same number twice. - Either completely fill out this section or do not fill it out at all, a partially filled ballot cannot be counted accurately and will be disregarded. - Consider treating Sponsors more leniently as their participation is in the form of a provided server, even if they are not active within the staff. - The breakdown of the results will be as follows: 1 Chair 1-8 NOC 9-16 Network Operators 17-28 Network Representatives 29-33 Removed from Staff Rank Name Nick Role(s) ___ Gary Allpike spice NetRep, Sponsor ___ Seth Arnold sarnold NetRep ___ Rob Bradford robster NetOp, Sponsor ___ Simon Chrich ratx Sponsor ___ Phillip Cockrell gcc NetOp ___ Julien Danjou acid NetRep ___ Raymond DeRoo RainMkr NetRep, Sponsor ___ Bernhard Dick WES][-Bernie- NetRep ___ Kevin Ford kev Sponsor ___ David Graham cdlu NOC, Chair ___ Andre Guibert de Bruet andy NOC, Sponsor ___ Austin Hair Austin NetRep ___ Richard Harman warewolf NetOp, Sponsor ___ David B. Harris ElectricElf NOC ___ Stephen Hildrey steve NetOp ___ Jeremy Johnston Jeremy NetRep ___ Patrick Lenz scoop NetOp, Sponsor ___ Florian Lohoff lolo NetRep, Sponsor ___ Matt London Matt NOC, Ombudsman, Sponsor ___ Andrew Mulholland cpufreak NOC, Sponsor ___ Laradji Nacer Taiwan NetRep ___ Simon Putz xenium Sponsor ___ Michael Römer miro NOC, Sponsor ___ Rik van Riel riel NOC, Sponsor ___ Josip Rodin Joy NetRep, Sponsor ___ Richard Rose rik NetOp ___ Haris Sehic hajvan NetRep, Sponsor ___ Jon Teh JT NetRep ___ Stuart Walsh cryogen NOC, Sponsor ___ Branden R. Williams brw NetOp ___ Doug Winter winjer Sponsor ___ Brian Wolfe Sir_Ahzz Sponsor ___ Mark Zealey JALH NetOp Section 2: Do you agree with the following people being Advisors? Not answering will be counted as a "Yes". Please ensure that if you object, you write "No". Yes/No Name Nick Role ___ Luca Filipozzi luca Advisor ___ Pierre Machard migus Advisor/TuxFamily Representative ___ Martin Schulze Joey Advisor/SPI Representative Section 3: Ombudsman While, Constitutionally, the number 2 person on the ballot is the Ombudsman, a fair system is to allow voters to explicitly select an Ombudsman. If the number 2 person in section 1 and the Ombudsman selected here are not the same person, the number 2 person will be asked if they object to this person becoming Ombudsman in their stead. Please specify the full name and/or nickname of the staff member you would like to be OFTC's Ombudsman: Section 4: Yes/No questions. Unanswered questions will be counted as a "Yes", so please ensure that if you object, you write "No". Yes/No Issue - No answer will be counted as a "Yes" ___ Do you believe OFTC should remain a member project of Software in the Public Interest? Section 5: Comments If you would like to send anonymous comments to the new Network Operations Committee, please enter them here: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ If you would like to send comments to be attached to the election results, please enter them here: [ ] Anonymous, please (Offensive comments will not be anonymised) __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Please return this ballot, preferably PGP signed, to between April 8th at 00:00:01 UTC and April 11th at 23:59:59 UTC.
21 valid votes were submitted, however, only 18 votes contained a valid section 1. The votes were counted by Pierre Machard, Martin Michlmayr and Luca Filipozzi. Section 1. The General Election =============================== 1 - Chair 1-8 - NOC 9-16 - Network Operators 17-28 - Network Representatives 29-33 - Removed from Staff 1. 96 cpufreak 2. 106 cdlu 3. 123 cryogen 4. 147 miro 5. 166 ElectricElf 6. 175 Matt 7. 187 andy 8. 189 steve 9. 234 riel 10. 255 winjer 11. 265 rik 12. 272 robster 13. 277 warewolf 14. 281 scoop 15. 288 brw 16. 307 hajvan 17. 316 kev 18. 337 ratx 19. 372 Jeremy 20 + 21. 379 WES][-Bernie-, Joy 22. 384 sarnold 23 + 24. 385 spice, xenium 25. 386 Sir_Ahzz 26. 393 RainMkr 27. 394 JALH 28. 398 gcc 29. 406 lolo 30. 433 acid 31. 437 JT 32. 442 Austin 33. 504 Taiwan Section 2. Advisor Roles ======================== Luca Filipozzi Yes: 20 No: 1 Pierre Machard Yes: 21 No: 0 Joey Schulze (Advisor from Software in the Public Interest) Yes: 21 No: 0 Section 3. The Role of Ombudsman ================================ Matt London: 10 Andrew Mulholland: 2 Michael R?mer: 2 David B. Harris: 1 Section 4. Relationship with SPI ================================ SPI: Yes: 20 No: 1 Section 5. Comments =================== Comment to the NOC: <cdlu> Please consider web voting for the next election <cpufreak> I have really enjoyed my term in the network operations commitee, for the last 6 months. Whatever the results of the election, I remain fully commited to OFTC. <gcc> None at this time <matt> Keep up the good work guys! <warewolf> cookies. oftc should sell lots of cookies_ Comment attached with the election: <anonymous> Some new method of voting would be keen .. selecting a few people to be near the end of the results is rather stressful, when several of them are going to be cut from staff. :-/ <xenium> wouldnt it have been much easier to make a little php page for this voting stuff? <anonymous> oftc should make cookies made from real girlscouts. They're nummy. -- Martin Michlmayr