Section 0. Submitting your ballot Please fill out this ballot and return it to It will be returned to you. If there are no problems with it, you do not need to do anything further. If the ballot returned to you was not submitted by you, please email with the correct ballot and a note indicating the previous one (include it in the message) is void. In order to verify the authenticity of the ballots, they must be sent from the address where you received this email. The election period is from October 8th at UTC midnight until October 11th at UTC 23:59:59. Please return your ballots by then to have them counted. Please state your real name: __________ Please state the nick you use on IRC: ___________ Thank you ------------------- Section 1. The General Election The following people are OFTC staff members. Please rank them in order of preference from 1 (best) to 32 (worst). The following is the breakdown of the total results. 1st place = Chair (Coordinator) 1st-8th places = Network Operations Committee 9th-16th places = Network Operators 17th-27rd places = Network Representatives/Sponsors The people in the last five positions will be removed from staff. If they are sponsers, their servers will be delinked. Please keep this in mind. Notes: - Candidates will be listed in alphabetical order by nickname. - Voting for yourself will be required. - Using any number twice will void your ballot. - Please remember that sponsors contribute without necessarily being active participants on the staff. It is recommended that they be treated more leniently. - You must use every number. (Not voting for someone gives them "0" which will skew the results.) Rank Nick Name Role at last election Now __ andy Andre Guibert de Bruet NetOp NetOp __ Austin Austin Hair No role NetRep __ brw Branden R Williams NetOp NetOp __ cdlu David Graham Chair Chair __ cpufreak Andrew Mulholland No role NetOp __ cryogen Stuart Walsh NetRep NOC __ dopey Matt Hope No role NetRep __ driz David Friedman NetOp Sponsor __ ElectricElf David Harris Ombudsman NOC __ gcc Phillip Cockrell NOC NOC __ hajvan Haris Sehic No role Sponsor __ irq Dan Parsons No role NetOp __ jabea Philippe Levesque NetRep NetOp __ JALH Mark Zealey NOC NOC __ Joy Josip Rodin No role Sponsor __ JT Jon Teh NetRep NetOp __ lang Thomas Kjaer No role NetRep __ lolo Florion Lohoff No role Sponsor __ Lord_Striker Striker Stormbringer NetOp NetOp __ Matt Matt London NOC Ombudsman __ miro Michael Roemer NOC NOC __ noel Noel Koethe No role Sponsor __ riel Rik van Riel No role Sponsor __ rik Richard Rose NetRep NetOp __ robster Rob Bradford No role Sponsor __ ruler Bill Fread No role Sponsor __ scoop Patrick Lenz No role Sponsor __ Sir_Ahzz Brian Wolfe NOC Sponsor __ spice Gary Allpike No role Sponsor __ warewolf Richard Harman No role Sponsor __ _deepfire Serge Kosyrev NetRep NetRep __ _RainMkr_ Richard DeRoo No role Sponsor ------------------- Section 2. Advisor Roles Please state whether you would like the following people to continue as Advisors to OFTC with a "Yes" or "No" (No answer will be counted as a "Yes). ___ Luca Filipozzi (luca) ___ Martin Schulze (Joey) (Advisor from Software in the Public Interest (SPI)) ------------------- Section 3. Relationship with SPI Do you believe OFTC should remain a member project of Software in the Public Interest (No answer will be counted as a "Yes")? [Yes No] ________ ------------------- Section 4. The Role of Ombudsman Please write the name and/or nickname of the member of Staff you believe should be the Project's Ombudsman: _______________________________________ ------------------- Section 5. Constitutional Amendments Please read the following carefully, it has changes from the original constitution in nearly every paragraph, and then answer whether or not this constitution is acceptable to you. If this constitution is not approved, a discussion will take place on oftc-staff mailing list and necessary changes will be made during the election of April, 2003. Please answer with "Yes" or "No". No answer will be counted as a "Yes". ___ This constitution is appropriate for OFTC. Constitution of the Open and Free Technology Community 1. Mission Statement The Open and Free Technology Community (henceforth referred to as "OFTC" or "the Project") was founded at the end of 2001 by a group of experienced members of the Open Source and Free Software communities aiming to provide these communities with better communication, development, and support infrastructure. Our goal is to provide stable services to members of the community in any part of the world, while listening closely to their needs and desires. 2. Administrative Structure Any action that any Staff member takes in the performance of their duties shall be recorded in the Project's records as completely as is possible. The following outlines all Staff positions. 2a. Project Administration Committee The Project Administration Committee (henceforth referred to as "the PAC") will consist of no fewer than six members. The PAC is responsible for deciding the policies of the Project as a whole. i) PAC Coordinator The Coordinator is responsible for calling and chairing PAC meetings. The Coordinator is also responsible for the appointment of Department Heads. Department Heads are to be selected from willing and able members of the PAC. The Coordinator is responsible for announcing and coordinating elections, as described below. ii) Department Heads The responsiblitiess of Department Heads are set by the Coordinator at the time of their appointment, as explicitly as is reasonable. Department Heads are strongly encouraged to recruit Department Staff from among Staff and users willing to assist them in their duties. 2b. Project Ombudsman The Ombudsman is responsible for hearing and acting on complaints received by users or Staff, when is about a member of Staff or about the Project as a whole. The Ombudsman has the power to issue Reprimands against any Staff member for violating any Project policy, any part of this constitution, or for abusing any of their privileges. This reprimand may be turned over by a three-quarters majority vote of the PAC. The Ombudsman may also recommend that further action be taken against the Staff member in question. Reprimands against Staff only take effect after the following PAC meeting. In order for the PAC to issue a reprimand, it must file a complaint with the Ombudsman. The Ombudsman is also responsible for issuing Commendations to Staff members and volounteers who are performing exemplary service to the Project. This commendation will be reflected in the Project's records. 2c. Project Administrator (Admins) Project Administrators (henceforth referred to as "Admins") are to enforce the Project policies set forth by the PAC. They are also responsible for helping any and all users of the Project in any way possible, without prejudice. Any further responsibilities, and all privileges, are defined in the Project Policy document. 2d. Sponsors Sponsors are responsible for maintaining the hardware, connectivity, and operating system installation upon which our software runs. 2e. Project Representatives (Reps) The duties of a Project Representative include assisting users in any way possible, and reporting any problems to the Admins, the PAC, or the Ombudsman. They need only be reported when the problem cannot be solved without privileged intervention. 2f. Active and Inactive Staff A Staff member who has not logged any activity in seven days will be considered inactive. An Active Staff member is any Staff member who is not Inactive. 2g. Inter-Election Staff Changes A Staff member who is inactive for sixty days, without notice, will be removed from Staff. Any Staff member who announces their resignation will have their privileges and any access they may have removed. Any vacancies in Staff are filled at the earliest possible time by the PAC, based on candidates put forward by PAC members or Administrators. Candidates who are volounteers or who are already on Staff, and candidates who have Commendations, will be favoured to fill any vacancies. The PAC may appoint new Staff members, promote Staff members, create new Staff roles, or remove Staff members who are detrimental to the Project. For Staff removals, the Ombudsman must consent. 2h. Impeachment In the event that any PAC member or the Ombudsman is performing poorly or in a manner detrimental to the Project, it is the duty of the Admins and the rest of the PAC to bring about a vote of no confidence. Following a public discussion, in order for a vote of no confidence to be passed, a minimum of three quarters of all active Admins and three quarters of all PAC members must agree. After this two-part agreement, the impeached member will be stripped of all Staff positions, privileges, and access. The vote of no confidence must be completed within seven days of the original call for an impeachment. 2i. Vacancy at the level of either Coordinator or Ombudsman In the event that the Coordinator should, for any reason, cease to be the Coordinator, the PAC will elect an interim Coordinator from among Staff. In the event that the Ombudsman should, for any reason, cease to be the Ombudsman, the PAC will select a new Ombudsman from willing and able Staff members. 2j. Reprimands How members of Staff behave in public reflects upon the Project as a whole. Therefore, any action which misrepresents Project policy may result in the Reprimand or dismissal of the Staff member in question. Any Reprimands or dismissals, and the reasons therefor, shall be explained in Project records. A Reprimand carries the following weight: * 1 Active Reprimand: 7 day suspension from Staff. * 2 Active Reprimands: 30 day suspension from Staff. * 3 Active Reprimands: Dismissal from Staff. Appeals shall be handled by the PAC on a case-by-case basis. The Ombudsman who issued the reprimand may only serve as a witness to these proceedings; they may not participate. Reprimands cease being active after a period set by the Ombudsman, not to exceed 180 days. Staff members often go above and beyond the call of duty. For this reason, the Ombudsman may award a Staff member a Commendation and announce this fact to the Project. 3. Voting 3a. Eligibility and Candidates Voters in elections shall be limited to Staff members, as defined by this Constitution. No new Staff members may join during a thirty-day period before an election. A member of Staff may only be eligible if they have received no more than one reprimand since the previous election. All voters shall also be candidates. There are no nominations. Any voter may elect any other voter for any position. A voter must also vote themselves into some position. In the event that an active Staff member can not vote during the scheduled voting window, provisions must be made to allow them to vote in advance. 3b. Announcement of Elections Elections are announced by the Coordinator, one month in advance. 3c. Election Dates Elections are held every nine months, beginning October 8th, 2002. 3d. Vote Counting Software in the Public Interest is responsible for counting and announcing the results of elections. No members of staff will know who the counters are until the results are released. The votes themselves must be anonymised before being sent to Software in the Public Interest. 3e. Election Structure Elections and election results are to be handled in the following manner: * Any outstanding issues which need to be voted on will be listed on the ballot. * Each voter assigns a list of numbers, starting at 1 and ending at the total number of candidates, to all candidates. No number may be assigned more than once, and all numbers must be used. * The individual with the lowest cumulative ranking will be the PAC Coordinator. The first- through eighth-lowest will be the Project Administration Committee. * The individuals with the ninth- through sixteenth-lowest ratings will be Project Administrators. * Those ten percent of candidates with the highest cumulative ratings will be removed. * All remaining candidates will be Project Representatives. * The Ombudsman is selected by a write-in ballot; that Staff member whose name appears most oftenwill be the Ombudsman. * In the event of a tie which affects the roles of two or more different Staff members, a run-off vote will be held. The run-off vote will only contain the names of those candidates affected. If the candidates reach an agreement within 48 hours of the election results being announced, no run-off vote will be held. 3f. Forced Elections If the PAC shrinks to below six members for more than thirty days, a new election must be held if none is scheduled within the following thirty days. 4. Project Policy In addition to this Constitution, there also exists a Project Policy document. The purpose of this document is to decide the day-to-day operations of the Project. It may not conflict with any articles in this Constitution. Any Policy enacted in the Project Policy document shall have the same weight as any article in this Constitution. The Project Policy document may be altered by any standard PAC vote. 5. Amendments Amendments to this document must be approved by two thirds of all active Project Staff. Software in the Public Interest (SPI) may veto any amendments or changes to this constitution within 15 days of the Staff's vote. ------------------- Section 6. Comments Feel free to write comments to be given anonymously to the new Network Operations Committee as feedback for the direction of the new administration. ------------------- Please return this ballot to when it is complete.